
What is smsj?

It's a Java API that allows you to send SMS messages.

Can it send wap Push messages?

Yes. The easiest way is to use SmsSender.sendWapSiPushMsg() or .SmsSender.sendWapSiPushMsg()

Can it send a mms notification message?

Yes. The easiest way is to use SmsSender.sendMmsNotification().


How do I send a message using a gsm phone?

Install the javacomm api from sun.

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What is the difference between smsj and WMA (Wireless Messaging API (WMA); JSR 120, JSR 205)?

WMA is targeted towards J2ME.

What is the difference between smsj and jsr212 (SAMS)?

smsj is targeted to create different types of messages. jsr212 is more focused on the sending part.