Using SmsSender

The easiest way to send an SMS is by using the SmsSender class. It contains factory methods like getClickatellSender and getGsmSender that creates a connection towards the sms gateway. It also contains some methods like sendTextSms and sendWapSiPush that makes it easy to send these types of messages.

Example: You want to send a simple text message using the clickatell sms gateway.

// Send SMS with clickatell
SmsSender smsSender = SmsSender.getClickatellSender("username", "password", "apiid");
// The message that you want to send.
String msg = "A sample SMS.";
// International number to reciever without leading "+"
String reciever = "461234";
// Number of sender (not supported on all transports)
String sender = "461235";
String msgids[] = smsSender.sendTextSms(msg, reciever, sender);

Using the low level API

The other way to send a message is by first loading a transport using the SmsTransportManager and then create a message using one of the SmsMessage classes.

Example: You want to send a simple text message using the clickatell sms gateway.

// The username, password and apiid is sent to the clickatell transport
// in a Properties				
Properties props = new Properties();

props.setProperty("smsj.clickatell.username", theUsername);
props.setProperty("smsj.clickatell.password", thePassword);
props.setProperty("smsj.clickatell.apiid", theApiId);

// Load the clickatell transport
SmsTransport transport = SmsTransportManager.getTransport("org.marre.sms.transport.clickatell.ClickatellTransport", theProps);

// Connect to clickatell

// Create the sms message
SmsTextMessage textMessage = new SmsTextMessage("A sample SMS.");

// Send the sms to "461234" from "461235"
transport.send(textMessage, new SmsAddress("461234"), new SmsAddress("461235"));
// Disconnect from clickatell