Uses of Class

Packages that use SmsUdhElement

Uses of SmsUdhElement in org.marre.sms

Fields in org.marre.sms declared as SmsUdhElement
protected  SmsUdhElement[] SmsPdu.myUdhElements

Methods in org.marre.sms that return SmsUdhElement
static SmsUdhElement SmsUdhUtil.get8BitConcatUdh(int theRefNr, int theTotSms, int theSeqNr)
          Creates a "8Bit concatenated" UDH element using UDH_IEI_CONCATENATED_8BIT.
static SmsUdhElement SmsUdhUtil.getMessageWaitingUdh(boolean storeMsg, int theMsgType, int theMsgCount)
          Creates a "Message waiting" UDH element using UDH_IEI_SPECIAL_MESSAGE.
static SmsUdhElement SmsUdhUtil.get8BitApplicationPortUdh(int theDestPort, int theOrigPort)
          Creates a "8 bit Application Port Adressing" UDH element using UDH_IEI_APP_PORT_8BIT Note!
static SmsUdhElement SmsUdhUtil.get16BitApplicationPortUdh(int theDestPort, int theOrigPort)
          Creates a "16 bit Application Port Adressing" UDH element using UDH_IEI_APP_PORT_16BIT Note!
static SmsUdhElement SmsUdhUtil.get16BitConcatUdh(int theRefNr, int theTotSms, int theSeqNr)
          Creates a "16Bit concatenated" UDH element using UDH_IEI_CONCATENATED_16BIT This can be used to create a concatenated SMS.
static SmsUdhElement SmsUdhUtil.getEmsTextFormattingUdh(int theStartPos, int theFormatLen, byte theAlignment, byte theFontSize, byte theStyle, byte theForegroundColor, byte theBackgroundColor)
          Creates a "EMS Text Formatting" UDH element.
static SmsUdhElement SmsUdhUtil.getEmsUserDefinedSoundUdh(byte[] theIMelody, int position)
          Creates an ems user defined sound udh.
static SmsUdhElement SmsUdhUtil.getEmsUserPromptIndicatorUdh(int numFragments)
          Creates an ems user prompt indicator udh.
static SmsUdhElement SmsUdhUtil.getEmsVariablePictureUdh(byte[] bitmap, int width, int height, int position)
          Creates an ems variable picture udh.
 SmsUdhElement[] SmsTextMessage.getUdhElements()
          Returns null.
 SmsUdhElement[] SmsPortAddressedMessage.getUdhElements()
protected  SmsUdhElement SmsMsgWaitingMessage.getMessageWaitingUdh(org.marre.sms.SmsMsgWaitingMessage.MsgWaiting msgWaiting)
          Creates a "Message waiting" UDH element using UDH_IEI_SPECIAL_MESSAGE.
 SmsUdhElement[] SmsMsgWaitingMessage.getUdhElements()
          Builds a udh element for this message.
abstract  SmsUdhElement[] SmsConcatMessage.getUdhElements()
          Returns the udh elements The returned UDH is the same as specified when the message was created.

Methods in org.marre.sms with parameters of type SmsUdhElement
static int SmsUdhUtil.getTotalSize(SmsUdhElement[] theUdhElements)
          Calculates the number of bytes needed for the supplied udh elements.
static byte[] SmsUdhUtil.toByteArray(SmsUdhElement[] theUdhElements)
          Returns the whole udh as a byte array.
 void SmsPdu.setUserDataHeaders(SmsUdhElement[] theUdhElements)
          Sets the UDH field

Constructors in org.marre.sms with parameters of type SmsUdhElement
SmsPdu(SmsUdhElement[] theUdhIeis, byte[] theUd, int theUdLength, SmsDcs theDataCodingScheme)
          Creates an SMS pdu object.
SmsPdu(SmsUdhElement[] theUdhIeis, SmsUserData theUd)
          Creates an SMS pdu object.

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