Uses of Class

Packages that use SmsPdu

Uses of SmsPdu in org.marre.sms

Methods in org.marre.sms that return SmsPdu
 SmsPdu[] SmsMessage.getPdus()
          Returns the content of this SmsMessage in form of pdus.
 SmsPdu[] SmsConcatMessage.getPdus()
          Converts this message into SmsPdu:s If the message is too long to fit in one SmsPdu the message is divided into many SmsPdu:s with a 8-bit concat pdu UDH element.

Uses of SmsPdu in org.marre.sms.ems

Methods in org.marre.sms.ems that return SmsPdu
 SmsPdu[] EmsMessage.getPdus()

Uses of SmsPdu in org.marre.sms.siemens

Methods in org.marre.sms.siemens that return SmsPdu
 SmsPdu[] SiemensOtaMessage.getPdus()
          Converts this message into SmsPdu:s If the message is too long to fit in one SmsPdu the message is divided into many SmsPdu:s with a different packet number

Uses of SmsPdu in org.marre.sms.transport.gsm

Methods in org.marre.sms.transport.gsm with parameters of type SmsPdu
static byte[] GsmEncoder.encodePdu(SmsPdu thePdu, SmsAddress theDestination, SmsAddress theSender)
          Encodes the given sms pdu into a gsm sms pdu.

Uses of SmsPdu in org.marre.sms.transport.ucp

Methods in org.marre.sms.transport.ucp with parameters of type SmsPdu
 byte[] UcpTransport.buildSubmit(SmsPdu pdu, boolean moreToSend, SmsAddress dest, SmsAddress sender)

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