Uses of Class

Packages that use SmsDcs

Uses of SmsDcs in org.marre.sms

Fields in org.marre.sms declared as SmsDcs
protected  SmsDcs SmsUserData.myDcs
          Data Coding Scheme for this user data.

Methods in org.marre.sms that return SmsDcs
 SmsDcs SmsUserData.getDcs()
          Returns the data coding scheme.
 SmsDcs SmsTextMessage.getDcs()
          Returns the dcs.
 SmsDcs SmsPortAddressedTextMessage.getDcs()
          Returns the dcs.
 SmsDcs SmsPdu.getDcs()
          Returns the dcs.
static SmsDcs SmsDcs.getGeneralDataCodingDcs(int alphabet, byte messageClass)
          Builds a general-data-coding dcs.

Methods in org.marre.sms with parameters of type SmsDcs
 void SmsTextMessage.setText(java.lang.String text, SmsDcs dcs)
          Sets the text.
 void SmsPortAddressedTextMessage.setText(java.lang.String text, SmsDcs dcs)
          Sets the text.
 void SmsPdu.setUserData(byte[] theUd, int theUdLength, SmsDcs theDataCodingScheme)
          Sets the user data field of the message.

Constructors in org.marre.sms with parameters of type SmsDcs
SmsUserData(byte[] userData, int userDataLength, SmsDcs dataCodingScheme)
SmsTextMessage(java.lang.String theMsg, SmsDcs theDcs)
          Creates an SmsTextMessage with the given dcs.
SmsPortAddressedTextMessage(int destPort, int origPort, java.lang.String msg, SmsDcs dcs)
          Creates a SmsPortAddressedTextMessage with the given dcs.
SmsPdu(SmsUdhElement[] theUdhIeis, byte[] theUd, int theUdLength, SmsDcs theDataCodingScheme)
          Creates an SMS pdu object.

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