Uses of Class

Packages that use SmsAddress

Uses of SmsAddress in org.marre.sms.transport

Methods in org.marre.sms.transport with parameters of type SmsAddress
 java.lang.String SmsTransport.send(SmsMessage msg, SmsAddress dest, SmsAddress sender)
          Sends an SmsMessage to the given destination.

Uses of SmsAddress in org.marre.sms.transport.clickatell

Methods in org.marre.sms.transport.clickatell with parameters of type SmsAddress
 java.lang.String ClickatellTransport.send(SmsMessage msg, SmsAddress dest, SmsAddress sender)
          Sends an SMS Message.

Uses of SmsAddress in org.marre.sms.transport.gsm

Methods in org.marre.sms.transport.gsm with parameters of type SmsAddress
 java.lang.String GsmTransport.send(SmsMessage msg, SmsAddress dest, SmsAddress sender)
          Sends the SMS message to the given recipients.
static byte[] GsmEncoder.encodePdu(SmsPdu thePdu, SmsAddress theDestination, SmsAddress theSender)
          Encodes the given sms pdu into a gsm sms pdu.

Uses of SmsAddress in org.marre.sms.transport.pswincom

Methods in org.marre.sms.transport.pswincom with parameters of type SmsAddress
 java.lang.String PsWinXmlTransport.send(SmsMessage msg, SmsAddress dest, SmsAddress sender)

Uses of SmsAddress in org.marre.sms.transport.ucp

Methods in org.marre.sms.transport.ucp with parameters of type SmsAddress
 java.lang.String UcpTransport.send(SmsMessage msg, SmsAddress theDest, SmsAddress sender)
 byte[] UcpTransport.buildSubmit(SmsPdu pdu, boolean moreToSend, SmsAddress dest, SmsAddress sender)

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