Uses of Class

Packages that use MimeBodyPart

Uses of MimeBodyPart in org.marre.mime

Subclasses of MimeBodyPart in org.marre.mime
 class MimeMultipart
 class MimeMultipartAlternative
 class MimeMultipartMixed
 class MimeMultipartRelated

Methods in org.marre.mime that return MimeBodyPart
static MimeBodyPart MimeUtil.createTextBodyPart(java.lang.String str)
static MimeBodyPart MimeUtil.createTextBodyPart(java.lang.String str, java.lang.String contentType)
static MimeBodyPart MimeUtil.createBinaryBodyPart(byte[] content, java.lang.String contentType)
 MimeBodyPart MimeMultipart.getBodyPart(int theIndex)

Methods in org.marre.mime with parameters of type MimeBodyPart
 void MimeMultipartRelated.setStartBodyPart(MimeBodyPart theBodyPart)
 void MimeMultipart.addBodyPart(MimeBodyPart theBodyPart)
 void MimeMultipart.removeBodyPart(MimeBodyPart theBodyPart)

Uses of MimeBodyPart in org.marre.mime.encoder

Methods in org.marre.mime.encoder with parameters of type MimeBodyPart
 void TextMimeEncoder.writeContentType( theOs, MimeBodyPart theMsg)
          Writes the content-type of the message to the given stream.
 void TextMimeEncoder.writeHeaders( theOs, MimeBodyPart theMsg)
          Writes the headers of the message to the given stream.
 void TextMimeEncoder.writeBody( theOs, MimeBodyPart theMsg)
          Writes the body of the message to the given stream.
 void MimeEncoder.writeContentType( theOs, MimeBodyPart theMsg)
          Writes the content-type of the message to the given stream.
 void MimeEncoder.writeHeaders( theOs, MimeBodyPart theMsg)
          Writes the headers of the message to the given stream.
 void MimeEncoder.writeBody( theOs, MimeBodyPart theMsg)
          Writes the body of the message to the given stream.

Uses of MimeBodyPart in org.marre.mms.transport

Methods in org.marre.mms.transport with parameters of type MimeBodyPart
 void MmsTransport.send(MimeBodyPart theMessage, MmsHeaders theHeaders)
          Sends an MmsMessage to the given destination

Uses of MimeBodyPart in org.marre.mms.transport.mm1

Methods in org.marre.mms.transport.mm1 with parameters of type MimeBodyPart
 void Mm1Transport.send(MimeBodyPart theMessage, MmsHeaders theHeaders)
          Sends MMS.
static void Mm1Encoder.writeMessageToStream( out, MimeBodyPart theMessage, MmsHeaders theHeaders)

Uses of MimeBodyPart in org.marre.wap

Methods in org.marre.wap with parameters of type MimeBodyPart
 void WapMimeEncoder.writeContentType( theOs, MimeBodyPart theMsg)
          Writes an WSP encoded content type header to the given stream.
 void WapMimeEncoder.writeHeaders( theOs, MimeBodyPart theMsg)
          Writes the headers of the message to the given stream.
 void WapMimeEncoder.writeBody( theOs, MimeBodyPart theMsg)
          Writes the body of the message to the given stream.

Uses of MimeBodyPart in org.marre.wap.push

Fields in org.marre.wap.push declared as MimeBodyPart
protected  MimeBodyPart SmsWapPushMessage.myPushMsg

Constructors in org.marre.wap.push with parameters of type MimeBodyPart
SmsWapPushMessage(MimeBodyPart thePushMsg)

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