Uses of Class

Packages that use MmsException

Uses of MmsException in org.marre.mms.transport

Methods in org.marre.mms.transport that throw MmsException
 void MmsTransport.init(java.util.Properties theProps)
          Initializes the transport Initializes the transport with the given properties.
 void MmsTransport.connect()
          Connects to the MMSC (or phone, or service, or...)
 void MmsTransport.send(MimeBodyPart theMessage, MmsHeaders theHeaders)
          Sends an MmsMessage to the given destination
 void MmsTransport.disconnect()
          Disconnects from the MMSC (or phone, or service, or...)

Uses of MmsException in org.marre.mms.transport.mm1

Methods in org.marre.mms.transport.mm1 that throw MmsException
 void Mm1Transport.init(java.util.Properties theProps)
 void Mm1Transport.send(MimeBodyPart theMessage, MmsHeaders theHeaders)
          Sends MMS.
static void Mm1Encoder.writeMessageToStream( out, MimeBodyPart theMessage, MmsHeaders theHeaders)

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